Connection Terminated

As you make your way past the man standing on the corner waiting for his bus and smoking his cigarette.

As you ponder getting out of the house and going to a movie with a friend or meeting up at the local hang out

When you gossip with your gang about the latest styles and trends that that guy in gym class will never be a part of

Or when you joke with the person sitting next to you on the airplane about the reactions of other passengers in the event of a mid air collision

You most likely feel connected

How many times a day do you glance over at someone and make eye contact with them

Or say thank you to the old lady at the cash register

How often do you sit in a classroom next to your friend and chat when you should be paying attention

And how often does the teacher say something that pertains directly to you

And when this happens do you feel connected

As I pass that same man on the corner with his cigarette I feel nothing

I notice every detail of his persona but there's no connection

When I leave my house to go to a movie I go alone

Not because I want to but because if a friend was there we'ed have no connection

I don't gossip because for me there's no one to gossip with but myself

And it seems like it would be pointless to tell myself what I already know

So once again there's no connection

The person next to me, that isn't me

And while I see them I can't feel that they're there

I don't know what they'll say when I speak or what they'll think of me

I don't know how they feel what kind of mood there in or why

I'm ignorant and there's no connection

My eye contact is little to none with nothing behind it

There's no connection

All the little one or two word conversations don't amount to much

There's no connection

I always pay attention in class and when the teacher speaks to me I'm only an example

And there's no connection

Even now talking with you I realize you don't understand

And every word I've said has meant nothing to you

I know you hate it when I hang up but I have to

Connection terminated

Author's Notes/Comments: 

okay so I wrote this because I'm constantly feeling alone in a sea of faces.  I have found a person in this world that I feel conected to.  That's a good thing right? hahaha

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