Treacherous Life

My life used to be scorching

And full of bad mishaps-

Now it's turned positive

Nobody but me

Made it


I had everything for my life to

End before I had turned 18;

Then the thought would usually

Be averted to positive,

And then the

Process would


During my tough times I felt unworthy to

Live the life that I'm still clinging

To in order to survive this life;

I had wished to die,

I had felt unworthwhile

And so wanted

To end


During the hardships I had

Faced unbearable pain to

No revail; life had

Shown its fury upon me;

Life wouldn't let me

Kill myself-It ended me up

Getting the help I needed

In order to get on with life.

Now I've said what I needed to-

All there is to do is say that

My mum tore out all my poetry-

My beloved poetry foresakenly-

And now I must write new poems.

There might be some that will be Gothic;

Yet there will still be some with

Wonderful insight to others about what

Depression can do to their souls.

Depression is a chemical imbalance within

The brain and could cause severe stuff

That could result in suicide attempts.

I attempted suicide once before-

And it ended me up in PsychCare.

I don't think others want to be in my

Place. They'd be tormented. Confused.

Their souls would force them to do

Things they normally would not do-

And would even lead them doing

Dangerous stuff that could be life threatening.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I write this poem 2 nights ago because it was so that I could remember the treacherous fight I was dealing with suicidal thoughts. My current positive outlook on that has taught me the goodness of positive thinking.

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