How could you do this to me-
You've betrayed me and caused so much hurt and pain;
I thought I could trust you Andrew!
But I know I can't-
Avril's right-Guys are so hard to trust.
All these times you've hurt and caused me pain-
I've tryed so hard not to cry;
I've held the tears in for so long now-
I've not let your causing me pain get me to tears
Which I made refuse to fall.
The pain and hurt you've caused me led to my depression-
What made things worse after that;
Were your long leaving periods-
Then I turned into a majour breakdown.
That's when i started it-
The cutting; taking painkillers; the suicidal attempts;
It was all there right in front of you, Andrew!
Then while you were on one of your long leavings-
That's when I decided to pour out all my depression
On the forum-My other friends didn't believe me.
They all thought it was a lie-
But yes, it was real-
The only few people that believed me
Were my best friends.
As I sit writing this,
Tears are flowing from my eyes-
I'm crying, Andrew.
Can't you see the pain you've caused me?
I was right all along-
I'm a Russian, you a Brit-
We were never meant to be;
Our backgrounds do not mix well enough together as one.
It's over I know,
The pain and hurt you've caused me
Feels like knives stabbing my heart-
As if you were helping them do so.
You've hurt me too much-
We are no longer part of the other's lives-
So leave my broken heard be.
I need to mend it on my own.