Sometimes I'm frightened and scared

Of the feelings I have for you.

I don't mean to scare you, too;

I only wanted to show you how much I care.

I know deep in my heart

That you're all I want in my life.

You've made my pain easier to bear,

Just because we've in separate places,

I don't want our relationship to depart.

You see, I do love you with my body and soul.

I tried to keep my heart at bay,

But the battle was on soon as I admitted the truth,

But you've never said how you feel about me either way.

I get the feeling you were glad I stayed away tonight,

Even though my body wanted to join you in bed

To feel your warmth next to mine.

Just tell me if you never want to see me

Even though it will break my heart.

I only wish you'd give us a chance-

I don't want to hurt you,

I only want to make you as happy

As you do me when we are together.

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