
I know 4 SURE

That this

Is no dream


Never in my wildest dreams

Dream man

U whom I believed 2 b


would I have thought

that U

would back out of my life

like this

U who said

“I Love U”

U who said

“I won’t lead U in the wrong direction”

U who said

“I got U”


when I have ever really needed

U 2 have me

the only way

that U have had me

is only when

U have

had me

soaking slowly

in all that is me


spewing words

that mean everything

2 me

I pray that

Those words weren’t

Coming from

The “demon”


The “monster”

That u so characterize

Yourself as

I choose to remember U

4 who I thought U were

the 1st and last time

your hands caressed

my soft BUT

willing cold skin


U made me


Warm all over again

My soul hot

My mind sharper

My body more open

So it is now

That I have turned

2 my logical self

where dreams and hopes

are just that

U’ve deserted me

Left me feeling

Like all I was

2 u

was all that

U could take

Y not when U can

Sip from the

fountain of give

U r a taker

And a giver

Of nothing but words

U disappoint me

Yet I have learned

2 not ignore

the many signs

I wish not 2 speak on


It makes me


That I let myself down


Even more angry


I just decided that

That those signs

Were my past insecurities

Haunting me

U didn’t deserve those ghosts

But what U really didn’t deserve

Was me

I can’t deny my heart

And how it hurts

In spite of your


After this moment

I’ll harbor no animosity

Towards U

U don’t know how

2 let yourself

truly be loved

I so want 2

keep U on that pedestal

and wave my magic wand

all around U


U threw U’r wand out

Long ago


I should have followed suit

I hear and feel everything

Undertones and all

Ask me

I’ll only tell U

Wouldn’t want U 2 fall from


From the place

I’ve positioned U

U started callin’ me


caught me funny

off guard

even laughed cuz

I thought I knew

U were just joking

U said

“that’s Y nobody likes U”

That nobody

Was really U

we laughed out loud

I started 2 weep inside

If having the last laugh

If being the last one standing

After revenge is exacted

Makes u a real winner

I’d rather lose



I’ll pat U on the back

Stand tall

Add another notch

2 u’r belt to

your title



Who’s better than


Right now???

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written November 15th, 2004- Today 11/23/04 I let go of the man I truly love. I had to b/cuz love, drama, & lies don't mix.We need to love without compromising who we are.....I deserve the best because I am so wonderful & worthy of wonderfulness...the choice is always ours to be truly loved and know that we deserve it...I know that he is worth it but he doesn't...

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