It's not me.

The pain doesn't hurt like a cut in the finger or falling hard to concrete, but that of an extreme emptiness, not nothingness, but numb,an utter realization of what should be there,of what I am meant to feel,but can not.


A hurt so deep the weight of my body seems to implode with my sobs. I hurt so much so that I would prefer a cut,yes a wound would be preferable,then there would be an end, I would not wonder when it will stop,if will stop,what is causing it, or even if I did I could get an answer, but this, this affection of requited unrequited love is torturous and unyielding.


I can not sit idly while I tare myself from the inside out then from the outside in, my wants are going unheard, my needs are ignored, there is never enough time,adoration,acknowledgement or confidence in me for me..this brings me to wonder if I am self medicating ergo poisoning my very sanity,already in it's fragility being uprooted, having no nourishment and is in complete discontent, I am in discord with Us, it's not me it's Us.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Being yourself means being all of you and accepting and loving you, and not who you think people want you to be,  all of you or nothing.