Life trough Earth has been the same for the last 15 trillion years. Nature provides food for the creatures, the climate is perfect and the temperature is comforting. The creatures had lived in peace and surrounded of happiness in their beloved earth. On the other side, today earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and tornados are a usual thing; taking the balance of the normal way of living of the creatures. Cows have to find new places where there is green grass; birds have to fly long distances to find shelter and lions are dying because no meat is available for them. Earthquakes have destroyed forests so monkeys are not able to climb and live their normal life. On the other side, there are some rumors that there is one place where wealth is abundant: land is fertile, vegetation is diverse, lakes and rivers have pure water, there are big green trees and nature provides everything that creatures need to live: as it was before. That place is around Mount Kilimanjaro, where the Beast lives-they say.
The lions state that the Beast was once coming down from his hiding place to observe animals. This had been a large rumor among the lions herd. They say that the Beast, that one time, about 200 thousand years ago, came down to supervise coexistence among the different creatures and be sure that there were no creatures behaving in an unacceptable way. But actually no one was certain about the abilities that the beast had, they just feared it; it was huge and ugly, lions assured. On the other side, bids have a different version. They could see everything from high places, while they were soaring and flying. Each creature has a different story about the Beast.
The creatures could not stand their lives anymore. They have to blame someone for that so it was very easily to claim that the only creature that was not with them was the one responsible of all the things that have happened lately. This creature was the Beast. Without really thinking about their actions, two creatures of each specie climb up Mount Kilimanjaro up to the Beast´s cave with the determination to kill the source of his problems- they thought.
The other creatures heard only a shocking sound but they knew that it was not from any of them. Within few seconds, all the Earth was covered with a bright light, too bright to contain it. The Earth was completely gone.
Written by:
Vania Luise Eder Ibarra
Hector de Zamacona

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