Valeria Moreno A01193180
Daniel Ruiz A01193198
An Endless Meeting
Once upon a time when the world was empty, the gods that where supposed to create it and complete it were having an important meeting in which it appeared they had been discussing for decades. There were four gods in total who ruled different parts of the world. They were divided into air, water, earth and living things. In this meeting they had to decide how would they unify everything, all aspects in one. But the Earth God wanted the entire world to be made of earth, pushing the wishes of the water god behind. The Water God complained saying water was essential for the survival of all living things and earth was meaningless. Meanwhile the Air God said there wasn’t any need for water or earth because only the living things that could fly would make it a more graceful place to live in. And so they were in a conflict for many years because ambition and their egoist desires froze them into place enabling them to do anything or to solve the big task that was at hand. One day the God of all living things came with an idea that would solve their problem. He said the world should be divided equally among earth, water, and sky, so all living things could live together in harmony and gracefulness for as long as the sun rose and the moon shined. By accepting each other’s differences they would learn from each other to solve unexpected future problems. They accepted his idea merrily and proposed to give him a gift, anything he desired, it would be his. But he denied saying that he didn’t need anything, at this the gods were taken by surprise thinking that if they would have been in his place they would wish for their most wanted desire. But the God of all living things had one wish only, he made the gods promise they would always respect each other´s boundaries and that they would never be unjust to one another. And so the very first fish swam in the large vast ocean, the very first horse galloped on green earth, and the very first hawk flew in the blue sky each minding their own business, their eyes never met and they never knew they were connected by an invisible agreement an unheard bond that until this day has never been broken.
The moral of the story is: Egoism, selfishness, and intolerance wont lead us anywhere, we can’t move forward if we cant be tolerant, respectful and just with one another.