
The void consumes the space surrounding him.
It pulls him in whispering words of lies gently in his ear.
Gradually he descends into the somber shades.
Where life halts to a stop and confusion takes it place.
Faces fade away as a breeze blows away their remains.
With them gone solitude becomes the one to savior.

The void fills every crack, every crevice and every hole.
Leaving him to wander forever alone among the shadows.
Mistakes of the past walk alongside him with regrets not far behind.
Here he is reminded of a life he once claimed, of a life he once owned.
Torn from him, it turns to ash as it falls to the ground.
With it gone solitude becomes the one to savior.

The void drags him in as he recedes beneath the surface.
Light leaves him as the echos of his voice pass him by.
Hands reach out to grab ahold but he’s slow to react.
He shuns them away as searches for a path home.
Help is quick to disappear as it moves on to the willing.
With it gone solitude becomes the one to savior.

The void leaves the passion to live a lost art.
As hope parts ways, his restraint follows its direction.
And a chair is given to him with a noose dangling above.
With his neck tied tight, his feet kick back releasing him from misery.
As his final breath leaves him another soul is forgotten.
With him gone a savior had been nowhere to be found.