
Glass shattering heart pounding..

Every dark little mimicking voicing swelling to the size of many..

Shadows swelling and surrounding..

Rage imploding and exploding the laughter uncanny..

The blood begging each vein for air..

Blood decorating your hands with mine in your hair..

Voice hoarse from screaming and breathing heavy,

Blood painted strokes decorating my neck where her angry artist trickled over my skin..

An image of bloodied glass.. slashes of reds and whites and blacks colours fading from thick to thin..

Gasps of air and burning strokes of fire through the darkned canvas..

Splatters of rage and passion the brush striking the page sharp like glass..

Tearing through that plan surface and declrating it with every emotion..

Fueling the fires and gasping out at every dark implosion..

 Every tear and rip a small hiss from the tear of paper..

Fast harsh strokes of bold colour wake her..

Every impulse rivoting through her being..

Violent slashes of colour turning to soft pleeing..

Until the image is made and the blood red strokes have dried into her skin..

And after the image has set she shall rinse of the paint strokes both thick and thin..


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