I get up early in the morning
To talk to God and read
But one day when I read
He told me what I need
Not only in the pages
Of where I read
But also as the words
Tumbled in my head
Jesus knows I have a need
To understand what’s read
So when I finish I just sit
And it settles in my head
Sometimes it is so simple
Sometimes it is real plain
But other times it’s hard
And some thoughts still remain
But that is things I think on
Throughout the day I go
I wonder and I learn
So Jesus I will know
I’m learning more every day
And some I understand
But on the things I don’t know
I just hold Jesus hand
Little kids have to learn
Sometimes we do annoy
But when we find something new
We are filled with joy
So thankyou for taking time
A minute here or there
Some of your wisdom
Willingly you share
I go from crawling to a walk
Sometimes I may fall
But one thing I do know
On Jesus I will call.