I Love You Enough To...

Not To Be Missed

I love you enough to...

...allow you to find the God of your understanding.

...allow you to make what I perceive to be foolish mistakes.

...never possess you and never let you possess me.

...allow you to maintain your dignity and never let you take away mine.

...allow you to seek help in your own way, wherever and whenever you choose.

...never apologize or cover up for you.

...be your best friend or never see you again.

...miss you but not be destroyed when we are out of touch.

...drop all my expectations of you.

...become so serene and at peace that I don't "need" you.

...let go of jealousy and anger.

...allow you to have your secret space and to have my own.

...listen to you with an open heart when I can.

...never tolerate your unacceptable behavior and forgive your unacceptable behavior when and if I am ready.

...allow you to grow faster or slower than I do without resentment.

...allow you to take magnificent care of yourself, your spirit and those things that are yours.

...allow you to become the beautiful person you are.

I Love You Enough To Let You Go.

~ By James A. McGregor

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