Scattering the Glow ...

Favorite Poetry

“People always tell me that I should constantly look forward...books and experts incessantly philosophize that the past is not as important as the future and what it holds...that the past is less of a compass and more of a lesson...that if it means anything to look on your ancient past, it is only for learning and drawing meaningful conclusions.

But then I wonder...Why did God, then, decorate our sky with stars whose light travel millions of light years to reach our eyesight? How ancient the light, and how great is our admiration...

My past with you is just like a star that will shine on my days and my nights, even if its light came hundreds of years away, and even if the star is there no more...

And of course, the future remains extremely important, and hope does revolve around tomorrow, but let’s not forget that this day, which we so much await, will join another bundle of days known as the ‘Past’… and let me not forget to mention that the sun which does always ‘shine through’ after the rain, is nothing but an ancient star that keeps I need to say more, and remind you of all the fairytales and Disney stories you and I love? Did anyone tell you before that those fairytales originated from myths belonging to previous civilizations? Tell me which one is your favorite story, and I will tell you how long ago it dates back...

...So while I count...are all the days shiny? Resembling the small times I spent with you? I can only hope to make a bundle of stars in my sky.....look at I keep sprinkling all the glitter on those around me, from the glow of only one ancient star.”

~ From the notes of an author who prefers to remain unknown.
~ Artwork above by Richard Jesse Watson

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