
I'm the hopeless romantic

It will haunt me in the end

I'll believe every lie you feed to me

Because I'll never give up

I'll let you throw me aside

And kick me when I'm down

As long as you say you're sorry

It doesn't matter if you mean it or not

To convince myself it'll all be ok

And you'll be there for me in the end

That's just what I'll do

It's ok, really it is

This is how it always goes down

You weren't the first

I'll be damned if your the last

Maybe someday I'll learn my lesson

Learn to see through the facade

But until that day i'll suffer through it

All the pain you cause me

And every tear i let slide

Just keep telling myself that

All those beautiful things you say

Are for real

Continue lying and i'll continue to believe

Cause a world without love is one I can't accept

The hopeless romantic strikes again

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