Inside someone's heart there is love.
Unconditional Right? Wrong! People
Tell you that they love you and will
Love you forever. And then they go
And break your heart into what seems
Like a million pieces. You tell yourself
That it is okay that they left you standing
There in your own despair. But yet again
Wrong! Every part of you is fragile and you
Are ready to break Down. And it doesn't matter
Who it was, shit it could be someone that you
Are kin to. But then it could be someone that
You Have fallen hard for. Then you start to
Think about that type of love you used to have.
That kind of love where you can see your reflection
In their eyes and then it lingers even when
You are not standing there. That is love. Now
It is over, no longer yours to hold, to feel.
So inside the emptiness settles inside your soul.
And you know the truth. They never loved you
To begin with. Just another fuck buddy. Just
Another girl to put on thier fuck list.