I sat there and watched the movie.
I watched as he carried his own cross.
I watched as they nailed him down.
I watched as they beat him bare.
I watched this with tears going down my face.
I sat there shaking and crying silently.
As they put the father of my life on the cross.
I felt like I knew this man.
I had so much passion for God.
My heart twisted and turned as I watched this movie.
I felt like cutting, cutting everything away.
I was sitting there praying for my sins to go away.
I cried the whole movie, I cried as my father died.
But at that time only death prevailed.
It felt so wrong but then right.
I left the room when they put the nails through his feet.
My heart couldn't handle that.
When they put the spear in his torso.
I wanted to vomit and cut so bad.
But then at the end, I felt some type of closure.
I saw my father raise up again, his scars gone.
And at that time I knew I was going to be okay.