In your inquisition

In your inquisition, you concluded - fuck love

I feel you on this - as Man, I've felt this

towards my ex-wife - but I am not here

to start a war of the sexes

for if you truly find love

please - Fuck it

Fuck it hard, and let me know if it fucks back

love is not found in the arms of

men or women - but in the bosoms

Motherhood, Fatherhood, Sisterhood, and Brotherhood

it is in these neighborhoods where

Love will show face - also in the

Palace of Wifedom, and the inner-city

of Husbandry

but not in the arms - nor in the mouths,

genitals, eyes ...

not in the words, the caresses

for Love seats in the heart of self

reflected in others...

so when you find Love - yes, Fuck Love

Fuck Love Hard - let me know if Love Fucks back

Much Love, Much Respect

One Love


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