I Write For YFE

While smiles fade and turn to nothing

You hold deep inside something

That I had been looking for

and with one kick it was out the door...

Meanwhile I go back in time

When nothing was ever mine

Oh how stupid I once was

And this is who I am. This is for all of us

As your smile fades into a stone

Know that you are never alone

And even though we do not speak

Deep in my heart you I will keep.

Down my face a tear runs for you

More come before the day is through

And though I hold my Head up high

I want to let go and not try.

And as I hear your voice come through my speakers

I wonder if they actually hit my ears

The sound is so beautiful

As the band plays on I am so grateful

To KNOW people such as yourselves

Who care so much for everyone else

And believe in each other oh so much

In my heart you all have touched

And I know this one simple fact

Watch as the curtain fades to black

Because the blackness is only waiting for the light

That you have to try so hard to find

And watch when it fades there is something you wont see

Happiness waiting for you to be

There is always at least one thing right

You just have to search and find....

Never forget that I love you all so

Never ending forever it will grow

And know this one secret I will share

Where you find happiness...I will be there...

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