Blinding Light

He visits me, on top of a blinding light, and we share stories, and visions of hindsight. A smile a smile and a tear oh a tear, I'm sorry, you see, this is working on my fear. Pacing these floors in each others arms, and visually seeking each others stars. 

He visits me, below a hurricane blast, and we share quiet stares and thoughtful overcasts. Now a flicker a flicker and a scream oh that scream, I'm sorry, you know, this is not what I mean. Jumping these obstacles in each others way, and making sure we are okay...

He visits me, beside a willow tree, and we share these looks that could only be. Now a heart a heart and joy oh it's joy, I can't be sorry, you think, am I acting too coy? Swinging these vines that wrapped us tight, and hand over another, in this blinding light.

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