

Living in hell,
sharing it only with myself,
no one can understand.

They all scorn me,
as I run even farther,
just can't find shelter.

Running to escape,
followed by reality,
the truth of my mistake.

"How could you go?" they ask,
"How could you stay away?"

Tears begin to form,
I remember that pain,
crashes like a wave upon me.

A fire inside me,
long-since turned cold,
frozen, deadened.

Run away from the truth,
from the memory of her face.

No one can share my burden,
they can't understand.

Running alone, just trying to forget,
go as far as I can,
never quite far enough.

Nowhere left to run,
her fate haunts me.

He tries to understand,
tries to make me see,
I've run for nothing.

Only to find my way back,
always alone,
running from shadows.

Run from her,
run from him,
did they think I never cared?

Ran in circles,
I fall in defeat,
let the waves crash,
weight crushing me triumphantly.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

D/T: Hailey and Asheron

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