The Best Networking Principles For Video Production Companies

While it is possible for any video production company irvine to acquire customers online, most videographers find that their highest paying jobs come as a result of cooperation with other companies and word of mouth. You could be recommended by local companies you have worked for or by other video companies that you may have worked on a project together. While some people see other video companies as rivals, passing work to rivals is a common thing that happens for a variety of reasons. Another video company can pass work to you if they are overwhelmed by work. Networking is also ideal because it is free. It does not cost a dime for someone to refer you. Here are some of the best networking principles every videographer should know.



People like to reward the good treatment or behavior of others. The first thing you need to know if you want to network effectively is to uphold your brand’s reputation. If you go beyond and above the call of duty, clients will recall you and spread the word about the good name of your company. Some of the top examples include being fair when pricing your services, quick turnaround, being pleasant and courteous, having the urge and knowledge to deliver high-quality products and so on. This can be the start of a beautiful professional relationship and network. Bad reputations spread faster than good ones. You should start by maintaining your video production company’s reputation by treating your sub-contractors and employees fairly. It might be tempted to exploit cheap labor in the video production industry by relying on students and interns from your local film school.


However, it is always good to pay your assistants. It is also good for humanity. It will go a long way toward your company being considered a decent, upfront and fair company. The bitter truth is that a lot of companies fail to pay or underpay their staff. Do not be one of them.


Allies not enemies

You should foster good relationships with other videographers by sharing your equipment such as lenses and lights, providing backup on large projects, post-production help when your neighboring company is overwhelmed and client sharing when a company has been fully booked.


It will do no good to be at each other’s throats. One of your first jobs to do as a production company is to reach out to competitors and offer all the above help to them. You can email them and ask for collaboration or you can go there and talk to them.



It is better to have an abundance of connections than you can handle. Do not just network with one video production company irvine. You should partner with as many companies as possible. However, it is important to keep your reputation in mind. You should check the reviews of every company and pay attention to what their customers say about them before partnering with them. If you partner with a company that has a bad reputation, you will also ruin your reputation.  

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