Angel On Earth

Life As I Know It

I have been mourned and lost.
I am dead and so very cold.
Wept and was washed in many bittersweet tears.
Now I walk among mortals.
I am an angel on earth.
Dancing like dove gray mist.
Over the damp dark rich soil.
Once I was totally oblivious.
Now I get to see it all.
I am an angel on earth.
My heart slips high and light.
So many strangers gaze at me.
The are like mirages alight,
as etherial as they are unreal.
Yet, I am an angel on earth.
So many lives wasted on hate.
When the only measure in life,
is in the love we create.
What we earn, less what we take.
I am an angel on earth.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This about going through an illness in my life.  People really treated me strangely for many years afterward.  I felt like they were treating me like I was already gone.  Weird I know.

Also unfiinished.

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