

The player,
is him.
As he watches,
the pretty ones;
he wonders,
can he win?
This time,
their game,
new rules.
He tries so silently,
not to try,
or love.
With a wink,
and a smile,
he waves goodbye.
Striding so confidently,
away from the pain.
Through the memories,
of a deserted love,
a legend of pleasure,
haunts him.
There will always be,
strong drinks,
and new loves.
Perfection in moonlight.
He has watched them fade,
in the hard morning sun.
Passionate kisses,
on soft green felt;
pushed him over,
into the finish.
Where once again,
the player,
has won.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

About my best friend from high school.  He was quite a social guy.  ;)

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