Changing Days And Ways

God's Sovereignty

One chilly start to this day, waiting for the sun’s first ray,
As God above sends forth, the sun for light and warmth,
The sun is the larger light, to break darkness of the night,
Ordered by the Creator God, for daily light upon this sod.

In that sun produced light, we walk in ways deemed right,
Deemed right by the Creator, as men move to the Savior;
While in darkness evil men, go in ways God will condemn,
As they trip and spiritually fall, denying the Lord’s over all.

At times the sun is hidden by, clouds which mask the sky,
Being covered by God’s power, to provide man a shower;
But, with dark clouds overhead, it’s harsh weather instead,
When heavy rains are poured, upon the earth, by The Lord.

Even as the seasons change, it gets cold but light remains,
While the fields receive their rest, we enter into winter’s test,
When the summer rain we know, may turn into ice and snow,
Making travel hectic friend, but, that season has too an end.

God who makes all the change, up above remains the same,
A loving God, but man must, understand that He is also just,
Wanting us to leave our dark sin, while we truly embrace Him,
Moving into the light of Christ, through salvation into new life.

(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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