Disciples Commissioned


Disciples Commissioned

We’ve been sent on a mission, to fulfill the Great Commission,
It is to share God’s Revelation; of our Lord’s work of salvation,
God’s Truth, revealed in Christ, Truth that offers all Eternal Life,
A work, finished by Christ Jesus, with only faith required by us;
We’re sent to help others believe, so New Life they can receive.

God passed the witness to men, who, in Christ, are Born Again,
Starting with Apostles of Christ; those who lived during His life,
With a message of God’s Kingdom, citing near was God’s Son,
With His Message of Salvation, to Israel, God’s chosen Nation,
The Apostles the foundation alone, with Christ The Cornerstone.

They are the foundation for us, disciples today, of Christ Jesus,
Sent with Good News of Christ, who was for us God’s Sacrifice,
Paying for all men, sin’s penalty, so we could have life eternally,
We have God’s message to herald, now, to today’s entire world,
That Good News of Salvation, first to Israel then to every nation.

The Apostles for us, set the stage, as God for all turned a page,
Opening for all, this Age of Grace, still coming to Christ by faith,
Sent by God, this day and hour, in Christ’s Authority and Power,
To be Christ’s witness, to all men, that they must be Born Again,
To enter into Eternal Life, with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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