One Is In Control

God's Sovereignty

It is The Lord, not you or me, Who is in control of our destiny,

Man may think he’s in control, but it’s still God Who’s over all;

God alone set all things in place, and we’re here by His Grace,

And in control of everything, is Jesus Christ, The Eternal King.

It is God, not man my friend, having no beginning and no end,

You and I began on this earth, born as mortals by natural birth,

Created by God, out of the dust, it’s God, that man must trust,

But, if God you choose to spurn, back to dust you shall return.

God does not depend upon man, to continue His Eternal Plan,

But, man must depend on Him, not upon man’s Godless whim;

As men survey times down here, Christ’s return is drawing near,

When God judges every nation, as written in Christ’s Revelation.

He, who created each one of us, The Eternal God, Christ Jesus,

Creator of all the life men see, directs the future of you and me,

Those who think they stand tall, in His eyes they are quite small,

And even lesser, when they doubt, what God’s Truth is all about.

Today by many God is ignored; still, Jesus Christ alone is Lord,

And Jehovah God’s Eternal Son, soon shall Rule over everyone,

Ruling with Power and Authority, earthly leaders have yet to see,

Dictating every man’s destiny, not only for now, but for Eternity.

(Copyright ©06/2010)

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