I Must Disagree


Sadly, with you, I must disagree, about a Truth regarding Eternity,

Not the very existence of God, above this earth we presently trod,

Not Biblical Truth, of Heaven above, or the Hell below, spoken of,

But, the Way God provided for, sinners to enter in Heaven’s Door.

With a heavy heart I must say, I simply can’t embrace another way,

For any soul to attain Salvation, apart from God’s Holy Revelation,

This includes words spoken by, The Lord, who now reigns on High,

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, God and Author of Eternal Life.

Our salvation is in Christ alone, through the power of God’s Throne,

His Eternal Son whom God revealed, in whose name we are sealed,

When His Truth, we truly believe, and Christ’s Spirit we then receive,

As redeemed sinners, we proclaim. Salvation’s Power, in His Name.

Some dispute the nature of sin, and man’s wickedness deep within,

From a belief they’ve understood, that all men are essentially good,

And up in Heaven, all souls will be, to live along with God, eternally,

But, is Hell, spoken of by The Lord, by these men, totally ignored?

So in conclusion, I must disagree, with any way apart from Calvary,

I am The Way, Truth and Life, was spoken by The Son Jesus Christ,

We’ll see God, only through Him, The Lamb who died for all our sin,

For all who don’t take this to heart, The Lord will tell them to depart.

(Copyright ©11/2009)

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