Can we call someone brother, who believes and follows another,
A different Gospel opposed to us, who believe, alone in Jesus?
Some lift up the image of man, while they follow a religious plan,
Portraying Christ on the cross, even after His victory for the lost.
Shouldn’t we help them to see, He’s no longer dying on Calvary?
But, Christ rose from the dead, and reigns on His Throne instead.
Shouldn’t we bring men to faith, through God’s unmerited Grace?
Trust in Christ’s work on the cross, without all that religious dross.
Some even believe in ritual prayer, to saints who aren’t even there,
At the place in which they intercede, for that believer’s every need.
Shouldn’t we help them understand, we are God’s Saints at hand?
That very moment we truly believe, and The Holy Spirit we receive.
What if they haven’t truly believed, then leave this earth deceived?
There’s no place called Purgatory, to suffer before going to Glory.
Apart from Christ, they will not see, that Glory of Heaven eternally,
So we must move them in love, toward the only Truth from above.
Christ Himself will say to many, even all, who knew religion plenty,
“Depart from me”, for He never knew, any whose faith wasn’t True,
Man’s religion thoroughly equips, men for profession with the lips,
But, without true faith in one’s heart, one will not enter, only depart.
(Copyright ©08/2009)