The Providence of God

God's Sovereignty

Don’t dismiss the providence of God, as He leads with staff and rod,

For those things we can’t comprehend, will work out for us in the end,

Everything works out for our good, as God does what only He could,

In the life of those who believe, blessings from God, they will receive.

Believers don’t sit back and guess, will our Lord God curse or bless?

As Christ takes care of His own, from His Mighty Everlasting Throne,

Or live our lives in fear and dread, for we can rely on The Lord ahead,

Who works out all things in His time, in harmony with His pure design.

Even in those trials that we receive, it may not be just as we perceive,

As The Lord may be attending to, deeper things through me and you,

Things that we need not understand, as God moves His Mighty Hand,

Through those who come to Christ, as our lives, to God, we sacrifice.

God has done what He purposed, and only in Him will we be blessed,

When uncertain times do come, God is where our peace comes from,

Through all the trials that we face, The Lord grants us Amazing Grace,

Placing within our heart a peace, that through all trials does not cease.

God has a Plan that won’t change, and for all eternity what will remain,

Is a New Heaven and New Earth, His places for all those of New Birth,

By The Lord’s Eternal Providence, to be with Christ the Eternal Prince,

Leaving our all trials in the past, to enter a peace that will eternally last.

(Copyright ©04/2009)

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