From a bloody cross to a Throne, He now reigns above for His own,
Now reigning above in majesty, The Lamb who died for you and me,
He now reigns above to intercede, on our behalf, for our every need,
He Reigns above as King of kings, and Lord above all earthly things.
This Throne was not new for Him, The Lamb who came to be our sin,
Who emptied himself of Majesty, born that He would die on Calvary,
God’s Eternal Son, Jesus Christ, coming to earth to be His Sacrifice,
And a body was prepared for Him, for as Eternal God He had no sin.
Equality to God, not considered, by The Lamb, who died unhindered,
By the darkened wickedness of man, as He submitted to God’s Plan,
The Sinless Lamb died in our place, opening to all, this Age of Grace,
Capping God’s Plan of Salvation, and offered to every earthly nation.
Now risen, with the Power to save, through His Victory over the grave,
For death had no hold on The Lamb, with Christ being The Great I AM,
Christ, the Eternal Lord and Creator, is now for many Lord and Savior,
If they embrace, God’s Sacrifice, who paid for all God’s Eternal Price.
Now seated at God’s Right Hand, the Savior and Judge of every land.
Who will return to this earthly sod, not a lamb but a Lion with Iron Rod,
The Lamb of God, once crucified, is The Lion of Judah, now Glorified,
As Lord and King, of all the world, as His Earthly Kingdom is unfurled.
(Copyright ©05/2009)