Peace Instilled By God

God's Sovereignty

We have peace from God’s Son, a peace that is second to none,

A peace that comes from above, that wraps our heart like a glove.

When sealed with the Spirit, as darkness abounds we don’t fear it,

Even through the darkest night, we are lead by The Savior’s Light.

All from what has been done, for all believers by God’s own Son,

As God’s wrath was spent on Him, Christ, who died for all our sin,

Placing on Him our punishment, when to Calvary, Christ was sent,

Making peace between God and us, when in Him, we put our trust.

So there is no condemnation, for all who accept God’s Salvation,

Instead He gives to us New Life, all through His Son Jesus Christ.

So now we have peace with God, while we are on this earthly sod,

A peace inside none can take, for a believer, God will not forsake.

And that peace shall grow inside, this, when in Christ we do abide,

As we Follow His Spirit from within, in a world so darkened by sin.

And as the world gets darker friend, our Lord is with us till the end,

Filling us with peace every day, as Christ’s Spirit leads all the way.

When the darker times do come, we know who, our peace is from,

And as the dark times increase, we have from Him a lasting peace,

Peace, provided to us by Grace, available in any time at any place,

And knowing who gave us the peace, we know it shall never cease.

(Copyright ©06/2008)

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