God’s Eternal Light

God's Sovereignty

As the rain falls from the sky, we don’t reason or wonder why,

Not questioning The Lord at all, how or when the rain must fall.

We simply accept His provision, from the storm as it is driven,

By The Lord’s Almighty Hand, across the vastness of our land.

Like the sun that shines above, something seldom we think of,

Yet the sun is there dawn to night, even when it is out of sight,

Within a sky which is overcast, until the storm clouds are past,

As God goes about His way, controlling all throughout the day.

And even the moon fazes us not, as it rises to its evening spot,

Waxing and waning into the night, as it courses through twilight.

Monthly it displays its full face, raised high up in its lofty place,

Although the lesser of two lights, it’s the guardian of our nights.

They all flow in all seasons, for God’s purpose and His reasons,

With the rains turning to snow, where those cold winds do blow,

All a part of God’s Eternal plan, as God’s witness to every man,

Providing testimony in Creation, for His witness to every nation.

And God’s Witness of Creation, is to point a world to Salvation,

Provided by the very Creator, who came to earth to be a Savior.

The two lights that have endured, shall be replaced by The Lord,

This, when the Light for everyone, will be the Lord’s Eternal Son.

(Copyright ©04/2008)

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