World Sacrifice

The End Times

Friend, very soon the Antichrist, will offer the world as a sacrifice,

Leading into the Judgment of God, many across this earthly sod,

And what will these many receive, from the one who will deceive?

Nothing from him, they will see, as man’s reign will end tragically.

He’ll use politicians to fulfill, his Dark and Devious End Time will,

Darkened souls in full opposition, to every basic Godly position,

Gathered by one, greatly praised, who shall usher in darker days,

Asserting he is the people’s man, while supporting a Darker Plan.

As bright as these men may be, they’re politically blind spiritually,

Or quite aware of their schemes, promising many, hollow dreams,

Lying to those called their own, with allegiance to a darker throne,

Having the multitudes totally fooled, leading not like others ruled.

They’ve no concern for those, for from darker ranks they’ve rose,

To the position of preeminence, filled and lead by a darker sense,

Making haste, to change all ways, as from Truth, a country strays,

To the place we cannot turn back, never restoring all we truly lack.

A universal change to this world, is what by men shall be unfurled,

They may not even understand, they are puppets, in Satan’s hand,

Taking multitudes to Hell with them, in that plan God will condemn,

When destroyed with the Antichrist, when He ends their earthly life.

(Copyright ©03/2009)

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