Our Mission


Our mission from the very start, was placed upon the Church’s heart,

This, to go into all the world, with Christ’s message, for all to herald.

Just one message for every nation, proclaiming God’s one salvation,

All sent forth, by God’s own Son, who died on Calvary for everyone.

Forty days after Christ rose again, He charged them to reach all men,

With the Good News of why He died; now seated at His Father’s side.

Jesus Christ died to be a propitiation, One who died for every nation,

Satisfying God’s Righteous wrath, and opening for us an eternal path.

Christ was indeed The Lamb of God, sent to save us from God’s rod,

Sent to us to be God’s sacrifice, paying for sinners the ultimate price.

Christ’s Righteous life hung on a tree, and slain to set all sinners free,

The Creator of the entire universe, upon a tree, became for us a curse.

Lord and Creator, Jesus Christ, came to be a substitutionary sacrifice,

For the Eternal Lord and Creator, came down to earth to be our Savior.

When at Calvary, God placed on Him, that penalty required for our sin,

And forsaken by His Father above, when on that cross He died in love.

This Gospel is what men proclaim, through the power of Christ’s Name.

God’s mission started in Jerusalem, while pointing to that time to come,

When Christ shall Reign upon that Hill, thus, fulfilling God’s Eternal Will,

And Peace will rule every nation, which comes to God for His Salvation.

(Copyright ©10/2007)

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