A Hope of Eternity

The End Times

Life can be so hard my friend, and many ask, when will it end?

As many are filled with disdain, from their life of trial and pain.

Tougher yet, this life would be, if not for that Hope of Eternity,

A Hope we have in Jesus Christ, Hope that brings Eternal Life.

A time when all is made just right, as darkness turns into light,

That time ushered in by One, Jesus Christ, God’s Eternal Son.

A Hope for all who do believe, when all despair He will relieve,

A time when all tears will end, as eternity with Christ we spend.

And we are called to share, Hope with a world in need of care,

With many steeped in a poverty, deeper than the eye can see,

A spiritual poverty of no hope, and when in peril cannot cope.

Not knowing Truth to be set free; God’s Truth from all Eternity.

The Hope given to you and me, will help men on earth to see,

A peace far above this place, available to all by God’s Grace.

A peace offered to every nation, within God’s Great Salvation,

Supplied by the Awesome Love, of the Savior reigning above.

This Hope friend can be yours, through Christ, the Risen Lord,

Who died for every soul on earth, to offer men a spiritual birth,

With hope to rise over the strife, that’s so prevalent in this life,

As He readies our heart and mind, for an Age of a better kind.

(Copyright ©09/2007)

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