Moving On

Moving on through God’s Grace, within this life to a new place,

A new place prepared by God, upon this temporal earthly sod,

With new trials along the way, but, God’s with us night and day,

And in this steadfast anticipation, we enter into every situation.

Our life’s course He may change, but, God is always the same,

And faithful, as God always is, guiding those, who are truly His.

Though a new place can be strange, He as God will not change,

And wherever God places you, He shall always see you through.

All that we need to do is trust, God, who created men from dust,

Creating us in the image of God, to lead us on any path we trod.

This of course is for all of those, who believe The Son who rose.

God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ, who rose to give all men new life.

Many are relocated by the hand, in ways they cannot understand,

Of our Loving, Sovereign Lord, in ways which will not be ignored.

They are given another opportunity, to live so other men can see,

How believers simply live this life, for our Lord and Savior Christ.

Our final destiny doesn’t change, but other lives we now engage,

To share the message from above, of our Eternal Savior’s Love.

Pointing to our Eternal Source, as we journey a temporal course,

And not here to simply roam, but lead others to an eternal home.

(Copyright ©09/2007)

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