I Am A Sinner

Spiritual Change

Friend, I’m a wicked sinner too, a fallen sinner, just like you,

But, I have been to Calvary, to the cleansing blood you see,

It is purely the Blood of Christ, which changed my sinful life,

Going to the cleansing flood, I was saved by Christ’s Blood.

Though I read the Truth before, I knew not Christ as my Lord,

Though religious I may have been, I was the victim of my sin,

Putting me at odds with God; inviting Judgment from His rod.

With no sin found in God at all, we’re alienated by Adam’s fall.

Worse than that all men must die, for the sin from Satan’s Lie.

But being a God of love, He sought man from Heaven above,

Not wanting anybody to perish, God sent One He did cherish,

God’s one and only Son Christ, this to grant all men New Life.

He came to earth with one plan; God’s salvation for sinful man,

God’s Judgment was the cost, to save a world of sinners lost.

For God’s price must be paid, and upon Him our sin God laid,

Making Him the perfect sacrifice, to pay the total of sin’s price.

I am still a sinner just like before, I accepted Christ as my Lord,

But the Blood of Jesus Christ, has given my life righteousness,

His Righteousness, not my own, to point sinners to the Throne,

So they can be forgiven too, by Him who died for me and you.

(Copyright ©06/2007)

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