Straying Towards Apostasy

Fix your eyes on The Creator, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,

For He is God and He is good, and will sustain the Brotherhood,

All those who received His Love, who He bought with His Blood,

On the Cross, on Mount Calvary, to give them New Life eternally.

Don’t look to things upon earth; they are only of temporal worth,

Only God’s Word lasts forever, as earthly needs, God will sever,

Don’t look to man’s earthly ways, but to God in hope and praise,

For what He’s done in the past, and faithfulness, to eternally last.

God shall take care of His own, through the power of His Throne,

Directing and leading each life, who know as Savior Jesus Christ.

God firmly places all His flock, on Jesus Christ, the Eternal Rock,

And as the world shifts like sand, on The Rock we take our stand.

Don’t allow your faith to wane, or let doubts within, begin to reign,

To seek out, in a trial, man’s relief, straying from your core belief,

Leaving for a second the Lord’s fold, to deny Truth that you hold,

But remain steadfast in God’s Son, recalling all for you He’s done.

So why do some believers stray, abandoning God’s Narrow Way?

Electing instead a broader path, forsaking Christ’s Rod and Staff.

Do they take their eyes off Him, to be lead away by pride and sin,

Away from His Grace and Mercy, falling from Truth into apostasy?

(Copyright ©11/2008)

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