Ordinary Worship

Ordinary people in this life, are used for God through Jesus Christ,

To help other men come to see, what He has done for you and me.

First worship begins in our hearts; it’s where all true worship starts,

And true worship, you will find, is with all your heart, soul and mind.

We seek God in an ordinary way, and to The Lord we humbly pray,

We worship God in Spirit and Truth, with no need of a sign or proof,

Knowing that He’s a God of Love, we lift our heart to heaven above.

Not confined by just one steeple, we worship as a universal people.

Ordinary people from every nation, become as one in His Salvation,

Saved by One Extraordinary God, to serve Him wherever men trod.

We direct our worship to God above, expressing to Him all our love,

And thankfulness for His only Son, God’s gift unmatched by anyone.

Our worship is mediated by Christ, who died to give all men new life,

A life of service we devote to Him, who died as a sacrifice for our sin.

Worship is performed in The Spirit, and a blessing to all who hear it,

As believers we gather corporately, to praise The King of all Eternity.

With hearts bowing in submission, to The Lord’s Great Commission,

Filled with reverence and in awe, of Christ, The King and Lord of all,

Prepared for service and ministry, for The Lord and God of Eternity,

Are ordinary people saved by Christ, to be an extraordinary sacrifice.

(Copyright ©07/2006)

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