God, who’s seated above the sky, condescended to this world below.
He who reigns from up on high, came to earth with His Love to show.
God sent His Son for you and I, a Savior sent, whom we could know.
The Living God came down to die; having sent a gift of life to bestow.
A gift to bestow to all the earth, and the gift from God is Eternal Life.
A gift to the world of eternal worth, the gift was His Only Son Christ.
He came to fill our hearts with mirth, in this world of darkened strife.
He came to offer us New Birth, and by His Spirit we have New Life.
Christ left His Throne in Paradise, and came into this darkened world.
Jesus came to be God’s Sacrifice, is the message John would herald.
Christ is The Way, Truth and Life, and came as The Light of the world.
New Life is only in Jesus Christ, is the message we all need to herald.
All who believe upon Jesus Christ, from The Lord receive a New Birth.
Then receive a New Spirit and Life, built upon our dear Savior’s worth.
We then become a living sacrifice, as His ambassadors on this earth.
With New Life we point to Christ, as we look towards an Eternal mirth.
Christ condescended once my friend, down to this lost world in need.
The first time He met a tragic end, when nailed upon a cross to bleed.
But Christ did this for us my friend, so in the Savior we could believe.
Today Heaven can be your end, if only Christ Jesus you will receive.
(Copyright ©07/2005)