Friend, if you seek to understand, you will know The Son of Man.
If you search with all your heart, Christ will guide you at the start.
Christ will give you eyes to see, that shall help your heart believe.
You will see Him throughout the day, as He leads you all the way.
The Lord is on the written page, and is read by men of every age.
He is the Living Word of God, and He will guide you with His rod.
Friend, if you seek The Lord above, He will fill you with His Love.
With His love He gives a peace, along the way that will not cease.
And in The Lord you can depend, He wants to be to you, a friend.
If you seek to find Him friend, He shall lead you to a glorious end.
On the cross He did His part, to change your mind and your heart.
Friend, now the rest is up to you, for Jesus did what He had to do.
Seek Christ in the written Word, to confirm what you have heard.
Friend, if you truly seek The Lord, your effort shall not be ignored.
For your eyes will be opened to, everything God has done for you.
The Lord’s promises you will see, are good through all of Eternity.
Seek Him while He can be found, and you will be on solid ground.
Seeking will lead you to believe, then Jesus Christ you will receive.
And your search for The Lord, will reap for you an Eternal Reward.
For all who do seek Jesus Christ, receive through faith Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©06/2005)