The Mystery of The Church

God's Sovereignty

The Mystery of God’s True Church, is men and women upon this earth.

Men and women upon this earth, brought together through New Birth.

They are called out from the earth, by The Lord’s Spirit during this birth.

The members are called to a New Life, and it is found in Jesus Christ.

Christ said He’d build His Church; it is God’s institution upon the earth.

The Church includes every nation, of the earth that accepts Salvation.

God had started first with the Jew, and then Christ added me and you.

The Church was not created by man, but is part of God’s Eternal Plan.

The Church is of a heavenly origin, far above the influences of all sin.

It is The Lord’s sovereign creation, to spread the Gospel of Salvation.

For there is no earthly institution, that can offer God’s Eternal solution.

The Church is not a building friend, but of people with a heavenly end.

The Church has no earthly foundation; it is built on Christ’s exaltation.

The Church has only one mediator, which is Jesus Christ, her creator.

The gates of Hades will not prevail, although all Satan’s forces do rail.

For Christ gained for all the victory, securing for us a home in Eternity.

On the cross Jesus bled and died, so we could be His Heavenly Bride.

From that death He rose again; we enter His Church once Born Again.

The Lord Jesus died in our stead, and of God’s Church He is the head.

Believers become the body unified, living new lives because He died.

The true Bride and body of Christ, is eagerly anticipating Eternal Life.

You enter in a sinner on the earth, to soon depart into Heaven’s mirth.

Into Eternal Bliss with Jesus Christ, and an endless joy of Eternal Life.

All the saints within God’s Church, from Christ only, get all their worth.

For they have been truly sanctified, under the blood of Christ who died.

By The Holy Spirit they are set apart, with a new mind and new heart.

And they are all of one single kind, as they all have The Savior’s mind.

The end of life is just a new start, to begin in Eternity when they depart.

(Copyright ©06/2005)

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