
As I follow my dear Savior, He guides my path and my behavior,

By His Spirit God makes my life, a shadow of The Savior, Christ.

This, as my footsteps follow Him; Christ, who died for all my sin,

For Christ leads me to my Calvary, to live my life for men to see.

As Christ who paid all sins price, guides me as a living sacrifice.

Living in the power of His Name, with God’s Gospel to proclaim.

His footsteps get me to a place, that He fills me with His Grace,

So that I can be Christ’s light, as God’s testimony in men’s sight.

The Lord above says follow me, upon a new pathway to Eternity,

For me, new footsteps had begun, as I chose to follow The Son.

My steps took me from my night, into my Blessed Savior’s Light,

From my world of darkened sin, to a holy walk, modeled by Him.

His footsteps never waver friend, but guide us safely to the end,

Leading all believers, day by day, safely down life’s narrow way,

Veering not to the left or right, but straight ahead in God’s Light,

The Light of the Word of God, upon our path on this earthly sod.

God has put us on an eternal path, far from God’s coming Wrath,

Upon a path prepared by Him, who took that wrath for all our sin.

By Christ becoming a sacrifice, believers gain entry into Paradise,

Following the steps of Jesus Christ, we will enter into Eternal Life.

(Copyright ©08/2007)

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