Finish The Race

My desire is to finish this race, on my journey compelled by Grace,

Thrust forth every day and hour, solely on The Holy Spirit’s Power.

Christ is the one I whom endear, as some situations turn into fear,

For His presence will never cease, and this gives my heart peace.

This gives me peace in a land, where many men don’t understand,

That Jesus Christ never died, and reigns today at His Father’s side.

Today many people have fallen away, into Satan’s deceptive sway,

Satan being the father of all lies, comes to many lives in a disguise.

He changes things in subtle ways, and even receives undue praise,

Satan is behind all the subtle ways, deceiving multitudes in our days.

Soon his dark reign will cease, when God sends The Prince of Peace.

Deception will come to an end for him, along with all this wicked sin.

For all those who come to Christ, they will enter into His Eternal Light.

For those who refuse His Light, they shall enter into an eternal night.

It was the Grace of Jesus Christ, that started me on this race of life,

And it shall be the Grace of Christ, which sees me into Eternal Life.

Soon earthly darkness all will end, with only Light around the bend,

Christ’s pure Light for all Eternity, when His Glorious face I shall see.

Then I’ll know I am done the race, when I finally look upon His face.

Until then I must faithfully run, in hope to hear Christ say well done.

(Copyright ©05/2005)

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