Miracles of Christ

Miracles by The Lord were done, through the Power of His Son,

Miracles for all men could see; proving Christ’s Divine Authority.

Sent by God, the Son of Man, with the Father’s redemptive plan,

God’s plan to reach every nation, with God’s only True Salvation.

Christ turned water into wine, to show all His mission was Divine,

Making it His first opportunity, which to authenticate His Ministry.

Five thousand by Him were fed, with two fishes and some bread,

As everyone there was satisfied, without one hungry man denied.

A nobleman’s son, too was healed, by the Son’s power revealed,

And healed at a distance through, power available to me and you.

A man paralyzed was healed in full, by Christ, at Bethesda’s Pool,

This Christ did to the Jews dismay, for it was on the Sabbath day.

One man blind, all of his life, by Christ Jesus was given his sight,

But some men blind spiritually, when they saw, would not believe.

When in the grave, a full four days, Lazarus, by Christ was raised,

Coming forth in grave clothes, from the dead, Christ’s friend rose.

Towards the boat from the shore, on the water they saw The Lord,

He was walking there on that lake, it was Christ, make no mistake.

The above miracles and more, were performed by Christ our Lord,

This so men would believe in Him, Christ, who heals us of our sin.

(Copyright ©11/2007)

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