Are you under The Blood my friend, prepared to meet God in the end?
For without The Blood of The Cross, men will remain hopelessly lost.
Without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness from God above,
For the forgiveness of all your sin, no matter how wicked you’ve been.
And it is the blood from Calvary, which cleanses all men for eternity.
It started with original sin, as Adam was covered with an animal skin,
The blood that God spilt that day, pointed ahead to a much better way.
God chose an animal as the price, for the man’s atoning sacrifice.
The choice Eve thought was wise, only tainted their perfect paradise,
And stemming from the sin of Eve, God’s Paradise they had to leave.
Separated from the Tree of Life, they now lived with pain and strife.
Desirous to restore their place, God would institute His Saving Grace,
For man to atone for all his sin, he could offer a sacrifice to Him.
The shedding of blood covered sin, but could not cleanse man within.
Blood of goats couldn’t save life, but pointed to the Blood of Christ.
The Grace of God appeared to men, in a world that stood condemned,
The Lamb of God came into the world, with a message for all to herald.
Christ was offered as God’s sacrifice, so men could have Eternal Life.
For the blood of goats could not do what Christ did for me and you.
Jesus Christ died in agony and pain, but for us our Lord rose again.
Jesus Christ was a Spotless Lamb, as The Lord’s gift to sinful man.
Only through the Blood of Christ, is man able to enter into Paradise.
Christ was the Perfect Sacrifice, and our only claim to Eternal Life.
The Son of God was the only way, to appease God’s Wrath that day.
And since He rose from the grave, we my friend, are Eternally Saved.
(Copyright ©01/2005)