Treasure In Heaven

We spend and splurge all the day, while allowing our soul to stray,

Attracted to what pleases the eye, while we allow our soul to die.

Enticed by what the eye can see, with no thought towards eternity.

We spend effort and much time, securing what we claim as mine.

How much can you truly secure and keep with you forevermore?

Even those dear to your heart, will one day from this life depart.

Nothing of this world shall be, embraced in Heaven through Eternity.

The former things will be no more, after you enter Eternity’s Door.

Don’t store treasure here on earth, for in the end it’s of little worth.

Here moths destroy and rust corrode, not so in your heavenly abode.

Store treasure in Heaven friend, where an Eternity you will spend.

Where your treasure is, you’ll see, there your heart shall also be.

Christ came to this earth to fulfill, not His own, but His Father’s will.

As a servant, The Lord Jesus Christ laid His life down as a sacrifice.

Pick up your cross and follow Christ, as He’s already paid the price.

My friend if you will deny yourself, you shall have Eternal wealth.

Seek The Kingdom of God first and you will have an Eternal purse.

So seek the Righteousness of The Lord and He will open up a door,

For you to serve The Risen Christ, here on earth as a living sacrifice.

Then your treasure will endure, in Heaven with Christ forevermore.

(Copyright ©11/2004)

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