Tongues Of Blessing

Friend, if you simply open your eyes you just may be very surprised,

To find out that deep inside the heart all the evil that does reside.

And this evil stored deep within, causes your mouth to slip into sin.

For from the mouth flows a sinful tide from all the evil deep inside.

Although it is rather small in size the tongue does hurt many lives.

Your tongue can build or ruin lives in ways that you may not realize.

With the tongue we praise God’s name and curse others with the same.

Out of the abundance of your heart a choice is made before you start.

Fill your heart with songs and hymns and you will be praising Him.

But if in there lies a bitter root, you will be spouting out bitter fruit.

We need to put away all the talk that would mar our Christian walk.

Evil speech should have no part, in the new life of a changed heart.

Believers need to be salt and light, to move men from wrong to right.

As a Believer from the start, by The Lord, we have been set apart.

With speech seasoned with salt, for by The Lord we’ve been bought,

Bought with a precious price, in order to be used by Jesus Christ.

Purchased from a world of strife to present the saving Word of Life.

Saved to become an ambassador for the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord.

And blessed are the pure in heart, for Jesus Christ will not depart.

And their tongues will Praise The Lord more today and forevermore.

(Copyright ©10/2004)

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