God, The Holy Spirit and The Son as The Godhead are three in one.
As The Spirit hovered over darkness, God and Christ created Bliss.
And God filled His new creation with ample creatures and vegetation.
Then God placed man in a special lineage and created man in His image.
But that paradise God would make was spoiled by that ancient snake.
So Eternal God who created all had to then redeem man from his fall.
The Word of God speaks to men, through the power of The Holy Spirit.
But since all men are condemned most of them don’t want to hear it.
The sin created by the fall lead God to use Moses to point out The Law.
Man is not saved by The Law but is accountable and destined to fall.
But Moses pointed to a one like him who would save man from his sin.
And The Holy union of three, work together as The Eternal Trinity.
God The Father and The Eternal One, sent to the world His Only Son.
For God as a spirit who can not die, gave Christ a body for you and I.
His body was to be a sacrifice so that men could have Eternal Life.
Today men lead by The Spirit preach this Truth to all who will hear it.
Christ died and He rose again, for He is The Beginning and The End.
The Holy Spirit present at creation hovers today over every nation.
Christ sent The Spirit to live in men, who through Him are born again.
God The Father, He was pleased, to bruise His Son for you and me.
For God The Son rose again, and Christ reigns today above all men.
While God The Spirit intercedes for redeemed sinners like you and me.
It is through The Eternal Trinity that all men can live for Eternity.
And all men who are willing to hear it are saved by The Holy Spirit.
(Copyright ©09/2004)