Reaching out across our world with God’s message in which to herald.
The command to us that Christ gave: preach The Truth in hope to save.
Preach to those who don’t believe as they’re the ones with real need.
A need to know where they stand in God’s all inclusive Eternal Plan.
We’re reaching out to every place, with God’s awesome saving Grace.
Reaching out until all have heard, the Eternal Truth of God’s Living Word.
As Believers we can’t help but see a need to be ready for Eternity.
For every one has an eternal destiny and there’s no end to Eternity.
God’s Living Word is very clear; the end for man could be very near.
When you take your last breath, you’ll enter Heaven or Eternal Death.
Although sin on the earth abounds, sin in Heaven will not be found.
Since Heaven is a Holy Place, you must enter via God’s Saving Grace.
Hell was made for all who sin and in Heaven sinners can’t enter in.
Friend, perfect people we are not, which puts us in a precarious spot.
Born with sin in our heart, we are at odds with God from the start.
In Adam, all have sinned my friend, and so Eternal Death is our end.
Even at our very best, the wages for sin my friend is Eternal Death.
But Jesus Christ paid the price, so that we could have Eternal Life.
For on the cross He died for all, giving us victory over Adam’s fall.
Instead of facing His iron rod, by His blood we’re at peace with God.
Fellowship with The God of creation was marred by sin’s separation.
But God opened a Door of restoration by Christ’s work of Salvation.
The Garden was a paradise but man made a choice and lost his life.
But Christ made a choice to give His life so we can live in Paradise.
(Copyright ©08/2004)